see also: Wisdom
Pronunciation Noun
Proper noun
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see also: Wisdom
Pronunciation Noun
- (uncountable) An element of personal character that enables one to distinguish the wise from the unwise.
- (countable) A piece of wise advice.
- The discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good.
- The ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way, especially to different situations from that in which the knowledge was gained.
- The ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding.
- (theology) The ability to know and apply spiritual truths.
- 1652, Eugenius Philalethes, The Fame and Confeſſion of the Fraternity of…the Roſie Croſs, pages 1–2 of the preface ↗
- Wiſdom…is to a man an infinite Treaſure, for ſhe is the Breath of the Power of God, and a pure Influence that floweth from the Glory of the Almighty; ſhe is the Brightneſs of Eternal Light, and an undefiled Mirror of the Majeſty of God, and an Image of his Goodneſs; ſhe teacheth us Soberneſs and Prudence, Righteouſneſs and Strength; ſhe underſtands the Subtilty of words, and Solution of dark ſentences; ſhe foreknoweth Signs and Wonders, and what ſhall happen in time to come.
- 1652, Eugenius Philalethes, The Fame and Confeſſion of the Fraternity of…the Roſie Croſs, pages 1–2 of the preface ↗
- (ability to make a decision) seeSynonyms en
- French: sagesse
- German: Weisheit
- Italian: saggezza, senno, discernimento, criterio, avvedutezza
- Portuguese: sabedoria, sagacidade, sapiência
- Russian: му́дрость
- Spanish: sabiduría
- French: sagesse
- German: Weisheit
- Italian: saggezza
- Portuguese: orientação
- Russian: му́дрость
- French: sagesse
- German: Weisheit
- Italian: (buon) senso, senno, discrezionalità, buon senso
- Portuguese: bom senso
- Russian: му́дрость
- French: sagesse
- German: Weisheit
- Italian: discernimento
- Portuguese: sabedoria
- Russian: му́дрость
- Spanish: sabiduría
- French: sagesse
- German: Weisheit
- Italian: saggezza
- Portuguese: sabedoria
- Russian: му́дрость
- Spanish: sabiduría
Proper noun
- (biblical) The Wisdom of Solomon, a book of the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox canon of the Old Testament, considered apocryphal by Protestants.
- French: Sagesse
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002