  • (British) enPR: wo͞ond, IPA: /wuːnd/
  • (America) enPR: wo͞ond, IPA: /wund/
  • (obsolete) enPR: wound, IPA: /waʊnd/

wound (plural wounds)

  1. An injury, such as a cut, stab, or tear, to a (usually external) part of the body.
    • 2013, Phil McNulty, "Liverpool 1-0 Man Utd" ↗, BBC Sport, 1 September 2013:
      The visitors were without Wayne Rooney after he suffered a head wound in training, which also keeps him out of England's World Cup qualifiers against Moldova and Ukraine.
    • 1595 Shakespeare, "Wales. Before Flint castle" ↗, King Richard the Second.
      Showers of blood / Rained from the wounds of slaughtered Englishmen.
    • 1883: Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island
      I went below, and did what I could for my wound; it pained me a good deal, and still bled freely; but it was neither deep nor dangerous, nor did it greatly gall me when I used my arm.
  2. (figuratively) A hurt to a person's feelings, reputation, prospects, etc.
    It took a long time to get over the wound of that insult.
  3. (criminal legal) An injury to a person by which the skin is divided or its continuity broken.
Synonyms Translations Translations Translations Verb

wound (wounds, present participle wounding; past and past participle wounded)

  1. (transitive) To hurt or injure (someone) by cutting, piercing, or tearing the skin.
    The police officer wounded the suspect during the fight that ensued.
  2. (transitive) To hurt (a person's feelings).
    The actor's pride was wounded when the leading role went to his rival.
  • (injure) seeSynonyms en
  • (hurt (feelings)) seeSynonyms en
Translations Translations Pronunciation
  • (British, America) IPA: /waʊnd/
  1. Simple past tense and past participle of wind

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