thesaurus & dictionary > Dictionary - Feedbacks > search bar


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parthip c
1 post(s)

Whenever I want to search for a word after the other then I need to tap on the search box and erase the previously searched word letter by letter which is eating up some time and is irritating... And it's killing the app's  good feel too... Please rectify this...

11-Jan-15, 7:16:54 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam
145 post(s)

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There is nothing to rectify, it has to work by default like this!
Anyway if you prefer different behavior, please go into dictionary setting panel and set the Old user interface option.
In a future release the setting panel will contain a new option called Permanent Search to enable the behavior you like.

12-Jan-15, 20:40:12 Rispondi | Citazione | Report spam