give up

give up

  1. (transitive) To surrender (someone or something)
    He was surrounded, so gave himself up.
    They gave him up to the police.
    Synonyms: surrender, yield
  2. (transitive) To stop or quit (an activity, etc.)
    They gave up the search when it got dark.
    Synonyms: blin, cease, discontinue
  3. (transitive) To relinquish (something)
    He gave up his seat to an old man.
    Synonyms: forlend, surrender, yield
  4. (transitive) To lose hope concerning (someone or something)
    They gave him up for dead.
  5. (transitive) To abandon (someone or something)
    I gave up my faith years ago.
    Synonyms: desert, forlet, forsake
  6. (intransitive) To admit defeat, capitulate
    OK, I give up, you win.
    Synonyms: capitulate, surrender, wave the white flag
  7. Become fully took over by a certain quality, activity, trait, &c.
    • 1800's Mary Woody A True Account of Nayomy Wise
      She seems give up to sin
      Too much neglecting grace within
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