  • IPA: [ɹɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ]

relinquish (relinquishes, present participle relinquishing; past and past participle relinquished)

  1. (transitive) To give up, abandon or retire from something. To trade away.
    to relinquish a title
    to relinquish property
    to relinquish rights
    to relinquish citizenship or nationality
  2. (transitive) To let go (free, away), physically release.
  3. (transitive) To metaphorically surrender, yield control or possession.
    • 2011, Tom Fordyce, Rugby World Cup 2011: England 12-19 France
      But it was the most fleeting of false dawns. Dmitri Yachvilli slotted a penalty from distance after Flood failed to release his man on the deck, and France took a grip they would never relinquish.
  4. (transitive) To accept to give up, withdraw etc.
    The delegations saved the negotiations by relinquishing their incompatible claims to sole jurisdiction
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