see also: Shake
  • IPA: /ˈʃeɪk/

shake (shakes, present participle shaking; past shook, past participle shaken)

  1. (transitive, ergative) To cause (something) to move rapidly in opposite directions alternatingly.
    The earthquake shook the building.
    He shook the can of soda for thirty seconds before delivering it to me, so that, when I popped it open, soda went everywhere.
  2. (transitive) To move (one's head) from side to side, especially to indicate refusal, reluctance or disapproval.
    Shaking his head, he kept repeating "No, no, no".
    • 1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), imprinted at London: By Robert Barker, […], OCLC 964384981 ↗, Psalms 109:25 ↗:
      I became also a reproch vnto them: when they looked vpon me, they shaked their heads.
  3. (transitive) To move or remove by agitating; to throw off by a jolting or vibrating motion.
    to shake fruit down from a tree
    • c. 1607–1608, William Shakeſpeare, The Late, And much admired Play, Called Pericles, Prince of Tyre. […], London: Imprinted at London for Henry Goſſon,  […], published 1609, OCLC 78596089 ↗, [Act III, scene ii]:
      Shake off the golden ſlumber of repoſe,
    • I could scarcely shake him out of my company.
  4. (transitive) To disturb emotionally; to shock.
    Synonyms: traumatize
    Her father's death shook her terribly.
    He was shaken by what had happened.
  5. (transitive) To lose, evade, or get rid of (something).
    I can't shake the feeling that I forgot something.
  6. (intransitive) To move from side to side.
    Synonyms: shiver, tremble
    She shook with grief.
  7. (intransitive, usually as "shake on") To shake hands.
    OK, let's shake on it.
  8. (intransitive) To dance.
    She was shaking it on the dance floor.
  9. To give a tremulous tone to; to trill.
    to shake a note in music
  10. (transitive, figurative) To threaten to overthrow.
    The experience shook my religious belief.
  11. (intransitive, figurative) To be agitated; to lose firmness.
Translations Translations
  • German: schütteln
  • Italian: scuotere la testa
  • Portuguese: sacudir a cabeça
Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Noun

shake (plural shakes)

  1. The act of shaking or being shaken; tremulous or back-and-forth motion.
    The cat gave the mouse a shake.
    She replied in the negative, with a shake of her head.
  2. A milkshake.
  3. A beverage made by adding ice cream to a (usually carbonated) drink; a float.
  4. Shake cannabis, small, leafy fragments of cannabis that gather at the bottom of a bag of marijuana.
  5. (building material) A thin shingle.
  6. A crack or split between the growth rings in wood.
  7. A fissure in rock or earth.
  8. A basic wooden shingle made from split logs, traditionally used for roofing etc.
  9. (informal) Instant, second. (Especially in two shakes.)
    • 1960, P[elham] G[renville] Wodehouse, chapter XXI, in Jeeves in the Offing, London: Herbert Jenkins, OCLC 1227855 ↗:
      “And do you realize that in a few shakes I've got to show up at dinner and have Mrs Cream being very, very kind to me? It hurts the pride of the Woosters, Jeeves.”
  10. (nautical) One of the staves of a hogshead or barrel taken apart.
  11. (music) A rapid alternation of a principal tone with another represented on the next degree of the staff above or below it; a trill.
  12. A shook of staves and headings.
  13. (UK, dialect) The redshank, so called from the nodding of its head while on the ground.
Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • Russian: отлуп
Proper noun
  1. Surname

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