see also: Trek
Pronunciation Noun

trek (plural treks)

  1. (South Africa) A journey by ox wagon.
  2. (South Africa) The Boer migration of 1835-1837.
  3. A slow or difficult journey.
    We're planning a trek up Kilimanjaro.
  4. A long walk.
    Synonyms: slog
    I would drive to the shops from here; you can walk, but it's quite a trek.

trek (treks, present participle trekking; past and past participle trekked)

  1. (intransitive) To make a slow or arduous journey.
    • 1892, Robert Louis Stevenson, The Beach of Falesá
      Before that they had been a good deal on the move, trekking about after the white man, who was one of those rolling stones that keep going round after a soft job.
  2. (intransitive) To journey on foot, especially to hike through mountainous areas.
  3. (South Africa) To travel by ox wagon.

Proper noun
  1. Abbreviation of Star Trek#English|Star Trek.


  1. Abbreviation of Star Trek#English|Star Trek.

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