  • (RP) IPA: /əti/, /ɪti/; but see the usage notes below
  • (America) IPA: /əti/, [əɾi], [ɾi], /ɪti/, [ɪɾi]
  • (Australia) IPA: /əti/, [əɾi]
Etymology 1

From Middle English -ite, -itee, from Old French -ite, -ete, -eteit ("-ity"), from Latin -itātem, from -itās, from Proto-Indo-European *-teh₂ts.

  1. Used to form an uncountable noun from an adjective; especially, to form the noun referring to the state, property, or quality of conforming to the adjective's description.
    absurd + -ity → absurdity
    anonymous + -ity → anonymity
    modern + -ity → modernity
    precarious + -ity → precarity
  2. Used to form a countable noun from an adjective, referring to someone or something that conforms to the adjective's description.
    absurd + -ity → [an] absurdity
    anonymous + -ity → [an] anonymity
    insipid + -ity → [an] insipidity
    odd + -ity → [an] oddity
  3. Used to form other nouns, especially abstract nouns.
Related terms Translations Etymology 2

Variant of -ety, likely an alteration of -edy, equivalent to -ed + -y.

  1. Alternative form of -ety
    hip + -ity → hippity, hippity-hop

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