  • (RP) IPA: /əˈkɪliːz/, /əˈkɪliz/
  • IPA: /əˈkɪliːz/
Proper noun
  1. (Greek mythology) A mythical semidivine hero, the son of Peleus by the nereid Thetis, and prince of the Myrmidons, who features in the Iliad as a central character and the foremost warrior of the Achaean (Greek) camp.
    • 2005, P. J. Heslin, The Transvestite Achilles: Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid, Cambridge University Press, page 277 ↗,
      As we saw in the preceding chapter, Statius in the Achilleid revises the Ovidian account of Achilles′ rape of Deidamia.
    • 2012, Richard Holway, Becoming Achilles: Child-Sacrifice, War, and Misrule in the Iliad and Beyond, Rowman & Littlefield (Lexington Books), page 153 ↗,
      In the last third of the Iliad, Achilles’ beloved companion, Patroklos, and his bitter enemy, Hektor, die wearing Achilles’ armor, their deaths prefiguring Achilles’ own.
    • 2012, Marco Fantuzzi, Achilles in Love: Intertextual Studies, Oxford University Press, page 2 ↗,
      Iliad 1, in Maximus' interpretation, exemplifies a 'love contest' between an abusive and obsessive Agamemnon and a 'gentle and emotional' (ἥμερος καί ἐμπαθής) Achilles; […] .
  2. (rare) A male given name.
  3. (astronomy) The List of Jupiter trojans (Greek camp) Trojan asteroid 588 Achilles.

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