
Athabascan (not comparable)

  1. Pertaining to a group of peoples mostly inhabiting Alaska, western Canada, the Pacific coast of California and Oregon, and the Navajo and Apache peoples in the American Southwest.
    • 2015, The Guardian, 31 August:
      “I’d like to thank the president for working with us to achieve this significant change to show honour, respect and gratitude to the Athabascan people of Alaska,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican who led the fight for the name change in Congress.
  • French: athabascan
  • Portuguese: atabascano, atabasca, atabasco
Proper noun
  1. The family of languages spoken by these peoples.
  • Portuguese: atabasco

Athabascan (plural Athabascans)

  1. Any member of these peoples.

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