  • IPA: /əɡʌstə/
Proper noun
  1. A female given name.
    • 1993, Margaret Atwood, Robber Bride, Virago Press (2013), ISBN 9781853817229, page 48:
      August, Charis named her, because that's when she was born. Warm breezes, baby powder, languorous heat, the smell of mown hay. Such a soft name. Too soft for her daughter, who has added an a. Augusta, she is now — a very different resonance. Marble statues, Roman noses, tight-lipped commanding mouths.
  2. A city/county seat in Woodruff County, Arkansas.
  3. A city/county seat in Richmond County, in east-central; also see Disgusta.
  4. A village in Illinois.
  5. A city in Kansas.
  6. A city in Kentucky.
  7. .
  8. A village in Michigan.
  9. An unincorporated community in Carver County, Minnesota.
  10. A city in Missouri.
  11. A census-designated place in Montana.
  12. An unincorporated community in Sussex County, New Jersey.
  13. A town in New York.
  14. A township in Ontario.
  15. An unincorporated community in Hampshire County, West Virginia.
  16. A town in Western Australia.
  17. A city in Wisconsin.
  18. A town in Sicily, Italy.
  19. (rare) Surname of Italian origin, from the town in Sicily.
  20. (rare) A male given name transferred from the surname or the place names.
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