  • IPA: /ˈkɹiːsəs/
Proper noun
  1. (historical) A male given name.
  2. (specifically) A king of Lydia, noted for his great wealth.
Translations Noun

Croesus (plural Croesuses or Croesi)

  1. (figuratively) A rich person.
    • 1875, Henry James, "Benvolio" in The Galaxy 20 (2) (August 1875).
      "Decidedly he was to be a great man, and this was not the moment for letting him go! At the same time there was something impressive in this extraordinary lapse in his eagerness—in his finding it so easy to forget his honors. It was only an intellectual Croesus, the Countess said to herself, who could afford to keep so loose an account."

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