see also: Cryptozoic

cryptozoic (not comparable)

  1. (zoology) Living in a cavity or small cave.
    Synonyms: cryptic
  2. (chiefly, soil science, of an organism) Hidden (especially in the soil); not easily visible.
    • 2012, John L. Cloudsley-Thompson, Evolution and Adaptation of Terrestrial Arthropods (page 85)
      The arthropods of the forest biome can be divided into two ecological groups: the cryptozoic inhabitants of the soil and leaf litter, and the terrestrial and arboreal forms that live in more exposed localities.
  3. (parasitology) Relating to a cryptozoite.

Proper noun
  1. (archaic, geology) An eon or other time period before the Cambrian, when the fossils of hard-shelled animals first appeared in the geological record.
Synonyms Translations
  • German: Kryptozoikum

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