see also: Haw
  • (RP, British) IPA: /hɔː/
  • (GA, America) IPA: /hɔː/
  1. An imitation of laughter, often used to express scorn or disbelief. Often doubled or tripled (haw haw or haw haw haw).
    You think that song was good? Haw!
  2. An intermission or hesitation of speech, with a sound somewhat like "haw"; the sound so made.
    • Hums or haws.

haw (haws, present participle hawing; past and past participle hawed)

  1. To stop, in speaking, with a sound like haw; to speak with interruption and hesitation.

haw (plural haws)

  1. Fruit of the hawthorn.
    Synonyms: hawthorn berry
  2. (historical) A hedge.
Translations Translations Interjection
  1. An instruction for a horse or other animal to turn towards the driver, typically left.
  • French: dia
  • German: Haw
  • Portuguese: ôa, ôô

haw (haws, present participle hawing; past and past participle hawed)

  1. (of an animal) To turn towards the driver, typically to the left.
    This horse won't haw when I tell him to.
    Antonyms: gee
  2. To cause (an animal) to turn left.
    You may have to go to the front of the pack and physically haw the lead dog.
    Antonyms: gee

haw (plural haws)

  1. (anatomy) The third eyelid, or nictitating membrane.
  2. A disease of the nictitating membrane.

Proper noun
  1. Surname
  2. A river in the US state of North Carolina.

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