  • (GA) IPA: /ˈhɛndɚsən/
Proper noun
  1. Surname
  2. (rare) A male given name.
  3. A village in Illinois.
  4. A city in Iowa.
  5. A city/county seat in Henderson County, Kentucky.
  6. A town in Louisiana.
  7. A town in Maryland.
  8. A city in Minnesota.
  9. A city in Nebraska.
  10. A city in Clark County, Nevada.
  11. A town in New York.
  12. A city/county seat in Vance County, North Carolina.
  13. A city/county seat in Chester County, Tennessee.
  14. A city/county seat in Rusk County, Texas.
  15. A town in West Virginia.
  16. A suburb in the west of Auckland.

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