  • IPA: /ˈlɒ.ɹəns/
Proper noun
  1. A male given name, the usual spelling of Laurence in the U.S.
    • 2003 Elise Title, Inside Out: A Mystery, St.Martin's Minotaur 2003, ISBN 0312285825, page 69
      "I named him Lawrence. After my father. Pete, that's my husband, he never really liked the name Lawrence. He thought it wasn't very..." she shut her eyes for a moment, shaking her head slowly, "...very masculine." She opened her eyes and smiled ruefully. " That's a good one, isn't it?"
  2. Surname
    • 2007 John Dunning, The Bookworm's Last Fling, Simon & Schuster 2007, ISBN 1416523391, page 321
      "My name is Richard Lawrence."
      Candice thought he had a storybook name. Like Lawrence of Arabia, she said, but what she always called him was Ricky. Just a jump away from Tricky Dicky.
  3. A city/county seat in Douglas County, Kansas.
  4. .
  5. A small town in Otago, New Zealand, named after Henry Montgomery Lawrence.
  6. A haze caused by heat; named after a third-century Christian killed by Emperor Valerian by being burned.

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