Prussian blue

Prussian blue

  1. (inorganic compound) An insoluble dark, bright blue pigment, ferric ferrocyanide (equivalent to ferrous ferricyanide), used in painting and dyeing, and as an antidote for certain kinds of heavy metal poisoning.
  2. A moderate to rich blue colour, tinted with deep greenish blue.
  • German: Berliner Blau, Preußisch Blau
  • Portuguese: azul da prússia, azul prussiano
  • Russian: берли́нская лазурь
Translations Adjective

Prussian blue

  1. Of a rich blue colour, tinted with green.
  • (colour) iron blue, Hamburg Blue, Paris Blue, bronze blue, celestial blue, cyanine, Haarlem blue, oriental blue, potash blue, Turnbull's blue

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