Queen City
Proper noun
  1. A nickname for various cities and towns, including:
    1. Bangor, Maine.
    2. Buffalo, New York, so-called as it was once the largest city along the Great Lakes.
    3. Charlotte, North Carolina, named for British queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
    4. Cincinnati, Ohio.
    5. Cumberland, Maryland, historically, for being at one time the second largest city in Maryland.
    6. Denver, Colorado, often referred to as the "Queen City of the Plains".
    7. Manchester, New Hampshire. Referred to as the “Queen City” due to it being larger than than New Hampshire’s capitol, Concord.
    8. Meridian, Mississippi, so-named either because it was an important stop on the Queen and Crescent rail line (itself deriving from Cincinnati's designation as Queen City) or because a "gypsy queen" Kelly Mithcell is buried there.
    9. Regina, Saskatchewan, as regina is Latin for "queen".
    10. Seattle, Washington, so-named in 1869 by real estate developers who heralded it as "the Future Queen City of the Pacific".
    11. Springfield, Missouri.
    12. Toronto, Ontario.

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