Proper noun
  1. (biblical) Initialism of Revised Version


  1. (automotive) Initialism of recreational vehicle
  2. (space science) Initialism of reentry vehicle
  3. (nautical) Initialism of research vessel also R/V.
  4. (military) Initialism of rendezvous a position where units are to meet.
    RV point
    • 2007 Pte John Catterson, Army The Soldiers Newspaper ↗, The Australian Army (Retrieved 14 July 2009)
      Once all mounted up, the two multiples sped off to the emergency RV point.
  5. Initialism of raw vegan
  6. (physiology) Initialism of residual volume
  7. (anatomy, medicine) Initialism of right#English|right ventricle#English|ventricle.
  8. (medicine) Initialism of rectal varicosity
  9. (politics) Initialism of registered voter

RV (RVs, present participle RVing; past and past participle RVed)

  1. To travel in a recreational vehicle.
  2. (military) To rendezvous.
    We'll RV at the crossroads in Brandon at twenty hundred.

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