Xizang Zizhiqu
Proper noun
  1. Tibet Autonomous Region
    • The species may be divided into three groups: (1) 24 entirely confined to the Himalayas, or extending marginally into the hills of Afghanistan in the west (one species just reaches the USSR, where it is rare), into neighbouring Xizang Zizhiqu (Tibet) to the north, or, in the case of two species, also into the hills of north-eastern India; (2) 88 with distributions as above but extending either south-east in the uplands through northern Burma to, in the case of some species, northern Viet Nam, or north-east further into China (four species have disjunct populations in Taiwan and one other has a tiny isolated pocket in south-east China); (3) ten that occur in lowland areas adjacent to the hills referred to in the first two groups.

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