a good deal

a good deal (not comparable)

  1. (idiomatic) Very much; to a great extent; a lot; lots.
    We had a good deal more money afterwards.
    • 1865, Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 5: Advice from a Caterpillar,
      She was a good deal frightened by this very sudden change, but she felt that there was no time to be lost, as she was shrinking rapidly: so she set to work at once to eat some of the other bit.
  • a great deal

a good deal (uncountable)

  1. (idiomatic) A large amount; a lot.
    He made a good deal of trouble for us.
    • 1825-29, Mahadev Desai (translator), Mahatma Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments with Truth, Part I, chapter xvi:
      A friend suggested that, if I really wanted to have the satisfaction of taking a difficult examination, I should pass the London Matriculation. It meant a good deal of labour and much addition to my stock of general knowledge, without any extra expense worth the name. I welcomed the suggestion. But the syllabus frightened me. Latin and a modern language were compulsory!
  • a great deal

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