  • (RP) IPA: /ˌeɪ.biː.ˈsiː.də.ɹi/
  • (America) IPA: /ˌeɪ.bi.ˈsi.dɚ.i/, /ˌeɪ.bi.ˈsi.də.ɹi/

abecedary (plural abecedaries)

  1. (rare) The alphabet, written out in a teaching book, or carved on a wall; a primer; abecedarium. [from 1350 to 1470]
  2. One that teaches or learns the alphabet or the fundamentals of any subject; abecedarian. [from late 16th century]
Translations Adjective

abecedary (not comparable)

  1. Referring to the alphabet; alphabetical; related to or resembling an abecedarius; abecedarian. [First attested from 1350 to 1470.]

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