
alt-right (uncountable)

  1. (chiefly, United States, politics) An amorphous group of right-wing ideologies opposed to multiculturalism and egalitarianism by race and sex, mostly active on the Internet; often supportive of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, white nationalism and white supremacy, adherence to which is sometimes claimed to be ironic.
    Synonyms: alternative right
    Antonyms: alt-left
    cot en
    hypo en
    • 2016, Ross Douthat, "A Playboy for President ↗," The New York Times, 14 Aug.
      "But the cultural conflict between these two post-revolutionary styles — between frat guys and feminist bluestockings, Gamergaters and the diversity police, alt-right provocateurs and 'woke' dudebros, the mouthbreathers who poured hate on the all-female 'Ghostbusters' and the tastemakers who pretended it was good — is likely here to stay."


  1. Of or pertaining to the alt-right.

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