  • (British, America) IPA: /ˌbæl.əˈklɑː.və/, /ˌbɑː.ləˈklɑː.və/

balaclava (plural balaclavas)

  1. A warm cap shielding the neck and head, often made out of wool.
  2. (chiefly, Canada) A ski mask with holes for the eyes and, sometimes, the nose and mouth, which may be rolled up and worn like a toque or pulled over the face for greater protection.
    • 1969, "Robbed seven banks, Balaclava Bill given 15-year term in jail," Globe and Mail (Toronto), 10 Jan., p. 1,
      George Ronald Waite, 33, known as Balaclava Bill because of the dark blue woollen hood he wore while robbing seven banks of $46,200 over the past two years, was sentenced yesterday to 15 years in Kingston Penitentiary.

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