
bioplastic (plural bioplastics)

  1. Any form of synthetic polymer, similar to normal plastic, made from renewable biomass sources such as plant sugars, starches, or oils, rather than from petroleum.
    Synonyms: biobased polymer
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    • 2012, Alfred Rudin, Phillip Choi, The Elements of Polymer Science and Engineering, Academic Press (ISBN 9780123821799), page gbooks OGL-Xydb9_8C:
      A bioplastic can be defined as a polymer that is manufactured into a commercial product from a natural source or renewable resource. A bioplastic can be biodegradable, but a biodegradable plastic does not mean the material was derived fully or in part from a biological source.
  • German: bio-basierter Kunststoff, Bioplastik
  • Italian: bioplastica

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