blended family

blended family

  1. A stepfamily in which both new mates have one or more living children from prior partners.
    • 1984, Tom Frydenger, Adrienne Frydenger, The Blended Family, Chosen Books (ISBN 9781441231840)
      The new traditions established in a blended family are either a blend of traditions both mates have brought into the marriage or something completely new. Because of Adrienne's and my family backgrounds, the blend of most of our traditions […]
    • 2009, Kurt Johnston, Mark Oestreicher, My Family, Zondervan (ISBN 9780310863144), page 128:
      In a blended family you may have a stepmother, a stepfather, stepbrothers, stepsisters, half brothers, half sisters, and even step-pets! You've got all sorts of stuff mixed into one new, blended family—a family that you are an important part of!

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