chrome dome

chrome dome (plural chrome domes)

  1. (idiomatic, indelicate, sometimes, offensive) A bald head; a person who is bald.
    • 1994 July 26, Mike Freeman, "Pro Football: To Put It Baldly, Brooks Is a Leader ↗," New York Times (retrieved 16 Oct 2011):
      Linebacker Carlton Bailey shaved his head last year. . . . Soon, the bald head became the rage among the linebackers. Now, just about every Giants linebacker has a chrome dome.
    • 2004 July 19, Carolina A. Miranda, "[,9171,994698,00.html Hair To The Chief!]," Time:
      Few Presidents have been bald. The last was Dwight D. Eisenhower. Luckily, he ran both times against another chrome dome, Adlai Stevenson.
  2. (US, military) A haircut in which the hair is clipped extremely close to the scalp.
    • 1957 Aug. 5, Carolina A. Miranda, "[,9171,867770,00.html Armed Forces: Scalped]," Time:
      Airman Wheeler, a rebellious sort who did not like his job anyway, disregarded the orders of his superior, Lieut. William Shortt, to get his hair "clipped close from ear to crown, with only a fringe on top of the head"—a haircut variously known as a white sidewall, an Apache, a chrome-dome.

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