
cumhole (plural cumholes)

  1. (slang, vulgar, often referring to gay sex) An orifice where semen is deposited, especially the anus.
    • 2009, John Patrick, Naughty by Nature, page 34
      Show me that cumhole
    Jack uses Mike's ass as his own personal cumhole, but I don't think Mike likes being objectified like that.
  2. (slang, vulgar, usually referring to gay sex) The person in whom semen is deposited
    • 2010, Jeff Erno, Puppy Love 2: Building a Family, page 90
      You're just my fuckin pisshole and my cumhole, too. You're mine. I own your faggot ass! I fuckin own it!!”
    You gonna be a good little cumhole for me, aren't you?
  3. (slang) the male urethra
    • 2010, Eric Summers, Rock & Roll Over, page 73
      Since I couldn't do much with the dick as a whole in my mouth, I focused strictly on the cumhole, licking the sweet honey that was steadily dripping from it.
    Apparently there are some guys who like to stick metal rods down their cumholes and I'm just like, nah dude, I'm satisfied with my good old fashioned five-finger parties.

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