Pronunciation Noun

dap (plural daps)

  1. (West Country, Somerset, Bristol, Wales, usually, in the plural) A plimsoll.
    • 1988, Alan Hollinghurst, The Swimming Pool Library, Penguin Books (1988), page 169:
      I somehow expected them to shout obscenities, and was glad I had come ordinarily dressed, in a sports shirt, an old linen jacket, jeans and daps.

dap (daps, present participle dapping; past and past participle dapped)

  1. (Bristol) To run or go somewhere quickly.
    I'll just dap down to the shop.
  2. (metalworking) To create a hollow indentation.
  3. (angling) To drop the bait gently onto the surface of the water.

dap (plural daps)

  1. (originally) Elaborate handshake, especially hooking thumbs.
    • 1971, London Magazine, Volume 11, p. 33 ↗:
      ... where many officers look the other way when blacks ‘give dap’ (the power shake) ...
    • 1972, Sepia, Volume 21, p. 80 ↗:
      These bloods just give dap just so they won't be called Uncle Toms.
  2. A fistbump.
    Synonyms: dab

dap (daps, present participle dapping; past and past participle dapped)

  1. To greet with a dap.

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