  • IPA: /ˈdɛθ.mætʃ/

deathmatch (plural deathmatches)

  1. (video games) A competitive mode found in first-person shooter games in which competitors attempt to assassinate one another.
  • French: match à mort, combat à mort
  • German: Deathmatch
  • Spanish: todos contra todos

deathmatch (deathmatches, present participle deathmatching; past and past participle deathmatched)

  1. (video games, transitive) To compete against in a deathmatch.
    • Doom video game (id Software, 1993): message shown when quitting
      If I were your boss, I'd deathmatch ya in a minute!
  2. (video games, intransitive) To take part in deathmatch gaming.

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