dog eat dog
  • (British) IPA: /dɒɡ iːt dɒɡ/
  • (America) IPA: /dɔɡ it dɔɡ/

dog eat dog (not comparable)

  1. Ruthlessly acquisitive or competitive. Describes a business or other set of circumstances where people try to succeed at the expense of other people.
    In this company it's dog eat dog. If you don't do better than the rest, you're on the street in next to no time.
    • 2007: Zoe Wood, Guardian Unlimited, Nov 11, Tesco has a flutter in Vegas
      It is dog eat dog on Las Vegas's world-famous Strip as casino complexes such as MGM Grand and New York New York compete for attention with outlandish gestures like rollercoaster rides and a replica of the Manhattan skyline.
Synonyms Translations
  • Russian: зако́н джунглей

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