
entrain (entrains, present participle entraining; past and past participle entrained)

  1. To draw along as a current does.
    water entrained by steam
  2. (chemistry) To suspend small particles in the current of a fluid.
  3. (mathematics) To set up or propagate a signal, such as an oscillation.
  4. (figuratively) To encarriage, to conjoin, to link; as in a series of entities, elements, objects or processes.
  5. (neurobiology) To become trained or conditioned in a pattern of brain behavior.

entrain (entrains, present participle entraining; past and past participle entrained)

  1. (poetic, intransitive) To get into or board a railway train.
  2. (transitive) To put aboard a railway train.
    to entrain a regiment

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