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- (British) IPA: /ˌɛkskəˈmjuːnɪkət/
- (America) IPA: /ˌɛkskəˈmjunəkət/
- (British) IPA: /ˌɛkskəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/
- (America) IPA: /ˌɛkskəˈmjunəkeɪt/
excommunicate (not comparable)
- Excommunicated.
- 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, John IX:
- the iewes had conspyred allredy that yff eny man did confesse that he was Christ, he shulde be excommunicat out of the Sinagoge.
- c. 1596, William Shakespeare, “The Life and Death of King Iohn”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio), London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358 ↗, [Act III, scene i]:
- Thou shalt stand cursed and excommunicate.
- 1526, William Tyndale, trans. Bible, John IX:
excommunicate (plural excommunicates)
- A person so excluded.
excommunicate (excommunicates, present participle excommunicating; past and past participle excommunicated)
- (transitive) To officially exclude someone from membership of a church or religious community.
- (transitive, historical or figurative) To exclude from any other group; to banish.
- French: excommunier
- German: exkommunizieren
- Italian: scomunicare
- Portuguese: excomungar
- Russian: изгоня́ть
- Spanish: excomulgar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003