  • IPA: /ˈfeɪnd/

feigned (not comparable)

  1. Being a pretense, a counterfeit, or something false or fraudulent.
    1841 "I have passed my word," said Jowl with feigned reluctance, "and I'll keep it. When does this match come off? I wish it was over. -- To-night?" — Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, [https://web.archive.org/web/20140811201712/http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/ot2www-pubeng?specfile=%2Ftexts%2Fenglish%2Fmodeng%2Fpublicsearch%2Fmodengpub.o2w Chapter 9.]
Synonyms Verb
  1. Simple past tense and past participle of feign

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