fixed point

fixed point (plural fixed points)

  1. (computing) A fractional-number representation with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point. Compare floating point and integer.
  2. (mathematics) A value which is unchanged by a function or other mapping. Formally: a value x for which f(x) = x.W
    The Bonan-Jeener's triple Klein bottle is not equivalent to the Boy's surface, as can be ascertained by the fact that a 120° rotation of the triple Klein bottle around its axis of symmetry yields no fixed point, whereas a similar rotation of the Boy's surface does yield a fixed point, which is its "umbilical point" as it were.
  • (mathematics) fixpoint
Related terms Translations Adjective

fixed point (not comparable)

  1. (computing) Pertaining to fixed point#Noun|fixed point representations or operations.
Antonyms Translations

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