

  1. (chemistry) The purified, dry form of an amine, especially an alkaloid natural product, that is normally used in solution.
    • 1987, Richard Seymour, David Elvin Smith, The Physician's Guide to Psychoactive Drugs, page 75 ↗,
      The freebase is heated in a retort, foil, or other container and the vapor is inhaled as the freebase vaporizes.
    • 2007, Jared Ledgard, A Laboratory History of Narcotics, Volume 1: Amphetamines and Derivatives, page 108 ↗,
      Note: this freebase methedrine will actually be a mixture of the DL and L-forms, from which the L-form is the most common used in the preparation of methamphetamine.
  2. (specifically) The purified, dry form of certain illegal drugs, especially cocaine.

freebase (freebases, present participle freebasing; past and past participle freebased)

  1. To purify a drug by crystallization.
  2. To use a purified drug, especially cocaine, by heating it and inhaling the fumes produced.

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