  • IPA: /ˈfɹɪzəl/

frizzle (frizzles, present participle frizzling; past and past participle frizzled)

  1. (transitive) To fry something until crisp and curled.
    • (Cook Book)
      Drain and heat it [shaved smoked beef] in one tablespoonful of hot butter, to curl or frizzle it.
  2. (transitive) To scorch.
  3. (intransitive) To fry noisily, sizzle.
    The bacon frizzled in the pan.
  4. (ambitransitive) To curl or crisp, as hair; to frizz; to crinkle.
    • 1599, Thomas Dekker, Old Fortunatus, London: J.M. Dent & Co., 1904, Act I, Scene 2, p. 22,
      Now am I prouder of this poverty, which I know is mine own, than a waiting gentlewoman is of a frizzled groatsworth of hair, that never grew on her head.

frizzle (plural frizzles)

  1. A curl; a lock of hair crisped.
    • 1911, Jack London, The Whale Tooth
      The frizzle-headed man-eaters were loath to leave their fleshpots so long as the harvest of human carcases was plentiful. Sometimes, when the harvest was too plentiful, they imposed on the missionaries by letting the word slip out that on such a day there would be a killing and a barbecue.

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