Pronunciation Noun

glug (plural glugs)

  1. The sound made when a significant amount of liquid is poured suddenly out of something, such as a jug or bottle.
  2. (informal) The amount of liquid issued when the "glug" sound is heard.
    Pour a glug of bleach into the toilet.

glug (glugs, present participle glugging; past and past participle glugged)

  1. (intransitive) To flow in noisy bursts.
    The water glugged down the sink.
  2. (informal, transitive) To quickly swallow liquid.
    He had glugged that glass of wine before she got a chance to introduce herself.
  • Russian: хлестать
  1. The sound made when a significant amount of liquid is poured out of a jug, bottle, etc., or when such an amount is swallowed by a person.

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