great ape

great ape (plural great apes)

  1. (archaic) A large non-human primate, such as a gorilla, an orangutan, or a chimpanzee. [to late 19C]
  2. Any member of the taxonomic family Hominidae, including gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee, excluding Homo.
  3. Any member of the taxonomic family Hominidae, including Homo, and also many similar extinct species.
Synonyms Translations
  • French: hominidé, grand singe
  • German: Großaffe, Grossaffe (Switzerland, Liechtenstein), Großäffin, Grossäffin (Switzerland, Liechtenstein), Menschenaffe, Menschenäffin, Hominide, Hominid (less common), Hominidin
  • Spanish: gran simio

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