  • (RP, America) IPA: /ɡʌnz/
  1. plural form of gun
  2. (plural only, bodybuilding, slang) Well-developed muscles of the upper arm, especially the biceps and triceps.
    • 2005, Joe Kita (ed.), Men's Health Best: Arms, page 6
      And there's still no better way to throw down the fitness gauntlet than to roll up your sleeves and unveil some powerful guns.
    • 2010, Mark Alvisi (quote from a reader), "Mark of a Champion", Muscular Development‎ 47(1): 350
      I read in another magazine about a workout that can put a whole inch on your arms in just one day! Obviously that sounds awesome, because my guns are only 15 inches.
Synonyms Verb
  1. third-person singular form of gun

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