
From ill + fated.



  1. unlucky; doomed.
    My grandfather was originally scheduled to travel on the ill-fated last voyage of the RMS Lusitania, but thankfully had to change his plans at the last minute.
    • 2012, Christoper Zara, Tortured Artists: From Picasso and Monroe to Warhol and Winehouse, the Twisted Secrets of the World's Most Creative Minds, part 1, chapter 1, 24 ↗:
      In February 1927, eight short months before minstrel Al Jolson sang “My Mammy” to enthralled moviegoers who had never before heard pictures talk, the ill-fated silent movie industry had itself one last fling: Paramount Pictures' romantic comedy It, […]
    • 2017 August 25, "Arrest threat as Yingluck Shinawatra misses verdict ↗", in, Al Jazeera:
      Yingluck is facing a possible 10-year prison term on charges of negligence linked to an ill-fated rice subsidy programme that cost the state billions of dollars.

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