iron cross
see also: Iron Cross

iron cross (plural iron crosses)

  1. (gymnastics) A position on the rings where the gymnast holds the rings straight out on either side of the body.
  2. (sports, moguls freestyle skiing) an acrobatic maneuver where the skier remains upright, but the lower leg bends back at the knee 90 degrees, and the ankles twist 45 degrees, so that the back of the skis form a right-angle cross
  3. A house plant, Oxalis tetraphylla.
  4. Alternative letter-case form of Iron Cross#English|Iron Cross, a cross pattée used as a German military decoration.
  • (gymnastics) crucifix
  • (Oxalis tetraphylla) lucky clover, four-leaf sorrel, four-leaved pink-sorrel

Iron Cross

iron cross

  1. (military) (formerly) the second highest military decoration of Germany, under the military order of the Pour le Mérite, or the cross pattée shape of this decoration.

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