  • (GA) IPA: /ˈkɑʃɚ/, /ˈkæʃɚ/
  • (RP) IPA: /ˈkæʃə/

kasher (kashers, present participle kashering; past and past participle kashered)

  1. (Judaism, transitive) To render kosher.
    1. (of meat) to remove excess blood from by washing and salting
      “Kosher salt” is called thus, not because it is any more kosher than other types of salt, but because it is used in the kashering process of meat.
    2. (of kitchenware) to remove traces of non-kosher substances from by cleaning, heating, etc.
      David moved into his new apartment, put up mezuzahs, and kashered his new kitchen.
Synonyms Translations
  • German: koscher machen, kaschern

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