
lugger (plural luggers)

  1. That which lugs in either literal or figurative senses.
  2. One who lugs, especially one whose job entails pulling or moving heavy objects.
  3. (slang, Australia, US) A conman. [from 20th century]
  4. A person hired by a gambling establishment to locate potential customers and bring them in.
    Synonyms: picker-up, roper, runner, steerer
    • 2008, Ed Taggert, When the Rackets Reigned (page 187)
      An estimated 50 luggers were employed to bring gamblers to Reading.

lugger (plural luggers)

  1. A small vessel having two or three masts, and a running bowsprit, and carrying lugsails.
    • 1899, Kate Chopin, The Awakening:
      A good many persons of the pension had gone over to the Cheniere Caminada in Beaudelet's lugger to hear mass.

lugger (plural luggers)

  1. An Indian falcon (Falco jugger), similar to the European lanner and the American prairie falcon.

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