

  1. A type of pottery having an iridescent metallic glaze
    • 1922, Sinclair Lewis, Babbitt, Chapter XXXIV,
      Besides these hearty fellows, these salesmen of prosperity, there were the aristocrats, that is, the men who were richer or had been rich for more generations: the presidents of banks and of factories, the land-owners, the corporation lawyers, the fashionable doctors, and the few young-old men who worked not at all but, reluctantly remaining in Zenith, collected luster-ware and first editions as though they were back in Paris.
    • 1961, Freya Stark, Dust in the Lion's Paw: Autobiography 1939-1946, New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Chapter 9, p. 172,
      The golden gates of Meshed have a rosy sheen, like lustre ware […]

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