make good
  1. To achieve substantial success in life, often in business.
  2. (often with "on") To complete successfully; to fulfil (a promise).
    He made good his escape by jumping from a second-story window.
    The check bounced, but he said he will make good on it next month.
  3. (gambling) To match the first player's bet with one's own, rather than dropping out.
    • 1885, William Brisbane Dick, The American Hoyle: Or, Gentleman's Hand-book of Games
      After all the players who determine to go in have made good the bet of the player who opened the Jack Pot, and the hands have been filled […]
  4. To remedy or compensate for (a defect or deficiency).
    The company made good the damage by paying my repair costs.
  5. To make (a surface) level or even.

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