marsh harrier

marsh harrier (plural marsh harriers)

  1. A raptor in species Circus aeruginosus, which inhabits swampy ground.
  2. Any member of the raptor genus Circus of similar appearance and habit to Circus aeruginosus.
    1. The African marsh harrier (Circus ranivorus)
    2. The western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus)
    3. The eastern marsh harrier (Circus spilonotus),
    4. The Papuan harrier (Circus spilonotus spilothorax or Circus spilothorax),
    5. The swamp harrier (Circus approximans)
    6. The Reunion harrier (Circus maillardi maillardi or Circus maillardi)
    7. The Madagascar marsh harrier (Circus maillardi macrosceles or Circus macrosceles).
Translations Translations
  • French: busard
  • Italian: falco di palude
  • Russian: лунь

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