

  1. (UK, Navy) A warrant officer or chief petty officer responsible for discipline aboard a naval ship.
    • 1922 February, James Joyce, Ulysses, Paris: Shakespeare & Co.; Sylvia Beach, OCLC 560090630 ↗; republished London: Published for the Egoist Press, London by John Rodker, Paris, October 1922, OCLC 2297483 ↗:
      Episode 12, The Cyclops
      Then he was telling us the master at arms comes along with a long cane and he draws out and he flogs the bloody backside off of the poor lad till he yells meila murder.
  2. (UK, Army) A commissioned officer responsible for overseeing all fitness training in subordinate units.
  3. (US, Navy) A petty officer responsible for law enforcement, antiterrorism, force protection, and expeditionary warfare.
  4. An officer in a fraternal or similar organization charged with maintaining order.
  • Russian: гла́вный старшина́ корабельный полиция

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