  • (RP) IPA: /ˈmɛdlə/
  • (GA) IPA: /ˈmɛdlɚ/
  • (New Zealand) IPA: /ˈmedlɘ/

medlar (plural medlars)

  1. Mespilus germanica, common medlar (now often Crataegus germanica)
  2. Any tree of the genus Mespilus, now often Crataegus sect. Mespilus, including many species now in other genera.
  3. Any of several similar trees that bear similar fruit
    1. Stern's medlar (Crataegus × canescens: family Rosaceae)
    2. Mediterranean medlar or azarole (Crataegus azarolus: family Rosaceae)
    3. Japanese medlar or loquat (Eriobotrya japonica: family Rosaceae)
    4. Spanish medlar or bulletwood (Mimusops elengi: family Sapotaceae)
    5. African medlar (Vangueria infausta: family Rubiaceae)
    6. Wolfberry, goji, red medlar (Lycium spp.),
  4. The fruit of such trees, similar to small apples
    1. especially that of Crataegus sect. Mespilus, not eaten until it has begun to decay, or more specifically, to blet.
  5. (derogatory, intended sexually) A woman or a woman's genitalia (as the fruit's appearance mimics an "open-arse")
    • c. 1604: Measure for Measure, William Shakespeare
      I was once before him for getting a wench with child....but I was fain to forswear it; they would else have married me to the rotten medlar.
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