morning person

morning person

  1. (idiomatic) A person who wakes up, without difficulty, early each morning and is alert and active during the first part of the day.
    • 1971, Paul Hightower, "[,590868&dq=morning-person Senior Forum]," St. Petersburg Times (Florida, USA), 21 Nov. (retrieved 12 Feb. 2009):
      "I am a night person. My husband is a morning person since he had to get up early for years for his job." – Mrs. K. G.
    • 2009, Sarah Earle, "[ Off the wall]," Concord Monitor (New Hampshire, USA), 23 Jan. (retrieved 12 Feb. 2009):
      I'm a confirmed morning person, a wind-up doll who starts my day in near-manic motion and ends it with slow, mechanical tasks requiring little energy or thought.
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